Rookie of the Year Award Nomination Form

Rookie Ham of the Year Award

The member receiving this award will be selected from among nominations submitted by fellow ARCCC, Inc. Club Members.  The ARCCC, Inc. Nominations Committee will review the nominations in October each year and will select the recipient for the award.  The Rookie Ham of the Year Award will be presented to the selected recipient at the ARCCC, Inc. Christmas and Awards Dinner in December each year.

The minimum Eligibility requirements for the “Rookie Ham of the Year Award” are:

  • Licensed Amateur Radio Operator
  • ARCCC, Inc. member in good standing
  • Must be a new ARCCC member, less than 3 years

Some of the Qualifications the ARCCC, Inc. Nominations Committee will consider to determine to winner include:

  • Visible good example and “ambassador” for Amateur Radio in the community
  • Elmer to new hams
  • Individual preparedness (examples: emergency training, upgraded license, etc.)
  • Regular participant in club meetings and events
  • Net participation or Net Control Operator
  • Volunteer Examiner and/or Instructor

Nominees do have to meet the eligibility requirements but do not have to meet all of the above qualifications, and nominations may include other relevant accomplishments not listed above.

To nominate an ARCCC, Inc. Club Member for the “Rookie Ham of the Year Award”, please notify the ARCCC, Inc. Nominations Committee by completing the form below with the name of the ARCCC, Inc. Member you would like to nominate along with and explanation of why you feel they should receive this award.

Nominations are encouraged to be made throughout the year.  So when an ARCCC, Inc. member achieves an accomplishment, consider nominating them for the Rookie Ham of the Year Award!

Rookie of the Year Award Nomination Form

Rookie of the Year Award Nomination Form

Based on the eligibility requirements for the Rookie Ham of the Year Award please include a list of reasons why this nominee is deserving of this award.